Every weekend we're watching movies together...whether you're in Pennsylvania USA, or Sydney Australia. It's a throwback! Back to the days when you had the anticipation for waiting till the weekend to see the classic horror or science fiction film that was listed in the TV Guide. The plan is to watch a movie at 7:30PM on Saturday night in your own time zone. Or, if you can't Saturday night...anytime during the weekend. Then, we'll all get together and e-mail our thoughts on the film...a few paragraphs...or simply a sentence if you'd like. They after-viewing reviews appear first on our Creepy Classics/Monster Bash News Page. See the latest thoughts posted by viewers ther now.

Concept submitted by Mike Adams of Cartaret, New Jeresey.

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THIS SATURDAY'S MOVIE:Saturday June 9, 2012 - MOVIE - Thriller "BLACK SUNDAY " (1960) Stars Barbara Steele, John Richardson and Ivo Garrani. A witch/vampire has an iron mask pounded on her face, then is burned at the stake. She was having a REALLY bad day. Years later her remains are found by travelers in the ruins of an old crypt on the countryside. A bad set of circumstances has the witch and her cohort vampire returning from the dead. Terror strikes the lives of people in a castle as the witch tries to take over a young girl's soul. Really atmospheric photography from Mario Bava. Steele shines. Suggested by Jay Maggio, Kingsman, AZ.

My friend Kevin Slick reminded me that I may have first seen this on THE CBS LATE MOVIE on a Friday night back in the early 1970s. I was originally thinking I saw it on a late Saturday night on WOR's Fright Night....where I did see a lot of European horrors. But, I believe Kevin is right that this screened as a CBS LATE MOVIE (11:30PM) on a Friday. They used to run a lot of Hammers and AIPs in that slot....and this was an AIP release in the states. Kevin and I used to take turns going over to each other's house on Friday night if there was a horror movie to watch.

This time around I viewed it with fellow Ligonier, PA resident monster fan, Bob Pellegrino (with Kevin Slick texting us from Colorado as we watched).

It is a creepy one. Loads of atmosphere and pretty good sets, real exteriors and a lot of good "outdoor sets" that were stage-bound. Good atmosphere and great photography from director Mario Bava before he got a little too much on the zoom lense in later films.

The dark area to spirit transitions were effective and spooky. The only thing that drags this down was the dubbing (like the grunts in the fight scene, sounding interchangeable with a Hercules movie) and the slow pacing at times.

But, over all, my favorite of the Bava films (I know I'm not alone on that).

-Ron Adams, Ligonier, PA

Hi Ron:

Ever since I saw this movie back in 1960, it has been one of my faves; John Richardson and
Barbara Steele, were just terrific 2gether; it has it all, horror, romance, spook factor, and just
general all round creepiness... I always wished Bava would have made a sequel! No matter
how many times I see it, I still enoy it. I really enjoyed Barbara's duel role... hope all who
watched enjoyed it.... they dont make'em like that anymore!

-Jay "50smonstakid" Maggio, Kingsman, AZ

Hi Ron:
"Black Sunday" is probably one of the scariest horror films of the 1960's. It's, in my opinion, Mario Bava's best film.
The opening sequence is filled with atmosphere and terror.  The scenes when Barbara Steele rises up with the nail holes in her face and her minion rising from the grave still put a shiver down my spine.

The only problem with "Black Sunday" is the dubbing. It sounds like the people are talking through a long tube. The voices all sound the same. This was the problem with  most of the Italian films from the 1960's.

The score by Lex Baxter is one of his best.

Some people feel that "Black Sabbath" or "Planet of the Vampires" are better films but for my money "Black Sunday" can't be beat.
It's a creepy frightening film, well worth seeing.
-Bruce Tinkel
Edison, NJ

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